Monday, April 8, 2013

Mysterious clear-blood fish

I was going through Yahoo today and found this interesting article on the clear-blood fish that is worth sharing to all.

The fish named Ocellated Ice Fish lives in the freezing waters of the Antartic Ocean.  The fish has no  haemoglobin, making it unique among vertebrates in the world.

The fish that has no scales is the main attraction at Japan's Tokyo Sea Life Park, where all the curious specimen were placed.

Researchers believe that the fish can live without hemoglobin because it has a large heart and uses blood plasma to circulate oxygen throughout its body.  It skin is also thought to be able to absorb oxygen from the rich waters of the Antartic, where it is found at depths of up to 3,300 feet.

More studies need to be done to answer many questions of the clear blood fish.

P/S: Very weird la this fish..

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